Monday 26 November 2012

The first ancillary product I have been working on is the CD design. As far as preparation goes I have looked at other CD designs that group into the same genre of music as my chosen song. I have completed a rough draft (pencil sketch) of the front cover for the CD in my book. I have also looked online for photos that are available for my use that fit in with the product I am looking to create. I plan to complete a photo shoot and research deeper into similar products. I also hope to collect honest public opinions about the product I am creating, in hope that their judgements will encourage me to create something that appeals to a range of people, and not just myself.

Monday 5 November 2012

As for footage I only have the chorus shots left shoot. As for the shots during the verses of my piece I am close to completion. To ensure I finish all I have remaining, I am going to film a couple of hours each evening after school. This might mean I have a lot of extra footage, but i'd rather be safe than sorry. I still have the ancillary products to complete. During free periods I will use the macs in school to continue editing my music video.