Tuesday 13 December 2011

Opening Scenes to 3 Movies of my choice


Twilight begins with a black screen, nothing but audio is heard. There is music playing, quiet and symphonic, with high pitched notes being elongated, this immediately unnerves the audience. We then hear a woman's voice, she utters one, morose line, and the first frame appears. As the first scene is shown there are birdcalls added to the music, this matches the forest shown. The camera swoops over the forest in a high angle shot to expose a deer. From this angle, the deer looks very vulnerable, especially seeing as it is alone and the music playing foreshadows something negative is about to happen. The woman continues talking as a closer shot of the deer is displayed on the screen, it's back to us. We now get the impression that the deer and the woman speaking are related in the movie's story. As the woman stops talking the camera starts to move jerkily as if from someone's view point. In the next shot the camera zooms down from the forrest canopy and our previous assumption is confirmed as the camera chaces after the deer. The music reaches it's climax now and the scene is one of complete suspence. The visual and audio is all fastpaced until the music quietens suddenly as a person jumps out from behind the brush in slowmotion catching the deer.
The screen whites out, and reappears just as quickly showing the glaring sun. The camera zooms down to reveal a girl in a compltely new location, the music still playing quietly. Because the music continues into the next scene and the shot used is the exact same one used before on the deer, we know for a fact that the two are connected. The girl continues speaking, the camera zooming up to show us a close up of her face, this enables us to link the emotion in her face with her thoughts. As the voiceover mentions she'll miss her her mother and stepdad, the scene changes to one of them all, obviously saying goodbyes and packing to go somewhere. As the car pulls away from the driveway the music used throughout the film thus far fades away and is replaced by a slightly outdated song, it concludes of a guitar and tenor singer. The next shot following this is a back view of the woman's head, hair flowing in an open-windowed fast moving car, the scenery visible is arid, she is still in the same location as before. Then a plane taking off is featured, and we are shown two more shots of the landscape, before the camera zooms over some mountain tops, displaying the words 'SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS' and the screen whites out, reappearing with the word 'twilight' and a helicopter view of a completely different landscape, there are still mountains but they are covered with snow and shrubbery and the whole warmness in terms of lighting used in the previous scene is deduced, everything now appears greyer. This is a dramatic change in scenery. And very similar to the first scene showed in the film, the one with the deer.
A bridge is shown with a single car driving over it as the girl continues talking. The movie is taking to a fastpace now. Her mental thoughts give us information on her location, linking to what we see on-screen. She is shown to be sitting in the car with her dad, Charlie, and small talk it made between them. The scene then skips to one of them arriving at what is to be her new home. The music and voiceover continues. As her father begins to talk, everything non-diegetic haults, and the scene plays out with him simply introducing her to her new bedroom. As Charlie leaves her to unpack, her voiceover begins again. We are told her thoughts and feelings whenever she can't voice them.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1R1zf0ZUiE - link to opening of film.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Nightmare Before Christmas begins with a blank screen with creepy music in the background, text pops up on the screen, reading 'TOUCHSTONE PICTURES PRESENTS' along with the symphonies in the background climbing in volume and pitch till 'TIM BURTON'S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS' appears. The music calms as the scene begins, a high angle shot rotates cloc

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pna8Nns688 - link to opening of film.

Pride and Prejudice

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU5iB1Ph20w - link to opening of film.

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